F3 SHOW #38

  • by Ken Schultz




Enter to win our monthly lure giveaway by signing up for the First Fishing Friday email Newsletter below! http://eepurl.com/c3lUen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VIDEO PICK OF THE MONTH The Italian start up Moi Composites 3D printed the Worlds first fiberglass boat. Printed with continuous fiber composite materials and thermosetting resin. VIDEO 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_JhFtT9c7Y VIDEO 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_mItYHE6tU

2.FISHING NEWS OF THE MONTH Were going back to 1932 when George Perry caught the World record Large Mouth Bass. In the midst of the great depression he was out fishing to feed his family. Little did he know he would feed the worlds fascination for decades with his world record fishing story. VIDEO 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0L-gQHgn6I VIDEO 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivtWvrTkzV8&t=43s

3.UPSCALE LURES NEWS OF THE MONTH Upscalelures.com was looking a little dusty so we made some big updates to our website! It's looking a bit more like 2020 and not 2015. Check it out and let us know what you think in the survey in section 6! https://www.upscalelures.com/

4.CATCH OF THE MONTH: Email us your fish pic for a chance to be featured on the next newsletter! My Dad caught this hard fighting Small Mouth Bass on the Bignourmous spinner in northern Wisconsin!

5.FEATURED ITEM OF THE MONTH Small Mouth Bass like Bignormous spinners! Check them out below. https://www.upscalelures.com/collections/bignormous-spinner

6. SURVEY OF THE MONTH Help make our new website even better! Click the link and take the quick survey below! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/72SKNK6

7.THIS MONTHS LURE GIVEAWAY WINNER IS (If your email ends with) el927@gmail.com CONGRATULATIONS! Please send us your address and we'll get your lure shipped out ASAP. If you have any luck with your new lure show off your catch, we would love to see it! Make sure to check out next months newsletter to see if you won!


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